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Happy New Year
With the New Year, especially in Nebraska, comes cold weather!! Please make sure you have adequate fuel for traveling and extra warm clothing and equipment in your vehicle. The weather can change pretty quickly and you may be caught in a snow or ice storm!!
Note Food pantry dates...
Our food pantry will be open for drive through on January 8 and January 22. Note the change to the first distribution in January due to the New Years holiday.
Soup to Go was held on November 20 we had help from West Holt Hospital to help distribute soup! We really appreciate their help!

Helping with the soup distribution was left to right Jeremy Bauer, CEO; Austin Hamm, Foundation and Marketing Director and Taylor McCormick CFO.
Volunteers Needed!!
We are needing volunteers for packing boxes, unloading trucks and painting. Please contact us!! Click the get involved page.

On April 17, our food pantry received a capacity grant from Food Bank of the Heartland. We are going to purchase a freezer with the grant.
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