Most people strive for a balance in their lives between mind, body, spirit, and relationships. WHHM is here to help you achieve that goal through referrals, home visits from the Parish Nurse, educational seminars, fitness/exercise programs, food pantry and other evolving programs. All of these will be embodied with spiritual care.
Health Ministry is a prevention based program within faith communities that emphasizes health, wholeness and healing of mind, body, spirit and relationships. It provides health information and support to persons in a congregation and/or surrounding community. Health Ministry promotes harmony and growth through increased self-knowledge, stewardship, interdependence with others and acceptance of God's love. All persons can benefit from a health ministry program, especially:
* the elderly
* families and individuals in crisis
* families and individuals with chronic illness
* teenagers and their families
* individuals of all ages suffering from loss and grief, chemical dependency and addiction, eating disorders, nicotine addiction, depression,
dysfunctional relationships, separation and divorce
Today, health leaders recognize that improvements in health will come about only as people assume greater responsibility for their own health and for the health of their communities. This is a spiritual problem calling for changes in behavior, rather than a medical problem. Health is more than the absence of disease - it has to do with all of life - decent housing, good recreation, good schools and jobs, spiritual values, healthy attitudes, a purpose for living and love of neighbors. In some areas health ministries have paid employees but in our rural area it is a volunteer association.
When health ministries are an essential part of a community's life, the members find opportunities to volunteer their help to those who are in the hospital, who are home-bound, or living in residential care centers. Participants have the opportunity to learn about wellness and disease prevention - healthy life style choices are promoted through seminars and workshops, giving information in such areas as exercise, nutrition, and handling stress. This is also accomplished through health screenings, early detection when treatment is more successful.
Health ministries give appropriate resources and advocacy to individuals and communities.